About My Dusty Books

While cleaning out my attic one day, I came across some boxes that were filled with books I had collected throughout my lifetime. In a day of cold technology where paper books are quickly being phased out, it was like opening a time capsule for me. These books were beaten-up, dog-eared, re-read countless times and held the scent of libraries past but they were tangible memories for me. They had journeyed with me and accumulated through all my days of high school, college, jobs, babies, teenagers and many moves. They are, in my opinion, old friends! And I thought, with so many new releases and best-sellers out there, it might be fun to go back in time a little bit, to revisit and review some of those favorite books from yesteryear.

I aim to make this a fun blog and would like to welcome comments, ideas and conversation. Please feel free to recommend some of your own dusty books. I would love to read and review them!

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